Monday, April 3, 2017

Next Up...the Herbert C. Jackson

The next ship is going to be around for a while and she's been around for a while.
 The Herbert C. Jackson was following the Aird fairly closely.  So it wasn't too long after the passage of the Aird that I was able to catch the Jackson.
 Unfortunately, I was focused to tightly on the ship and almost screwed up the head shot.
 After loading iron ore in Marquette, the Jackson was on her way to the Rouge River.  I didn't realize that she would have a brief wait at the Belle Isle Anchorage prior to sailing up the Rouge River.
 Since she's been recently repowered and had scrubbers added, she'll be around for a while.
 And I'm fine with that because the Jackson is a lovely vessel.
 A shot of her deckhouse.
 And she continues on her way down the St. Clair River.
One more shot.

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