Saturday, April 8, 2017

Some Building Details in Chelsea

I wanted to go planewatching last night.  It was a nice sunny night except that the planes weren't coming in from the right direction and I didn't feel like going up on the parking deck to get plane pictures.  Then it dawned on me that there are the evening Wolverines and I figured that I could catch them in Chelsea.
 While I was waiting for the Eastbound train, I decided to wander to the other side of the tracks and take some detail shots of the buildings over there.  I really like some of the details that they put on some of the other buildings.  It's a shame that the building itself is in kind of a state of disrepair right now though.
 One of the columns on the side of the door.  Well not quite a column but the side of the door.
 The arch above the doorway to the Stove Company building.  I think this is one of the cooler looking buildings.
And I really like this one.

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