Monday, April 10, 2017

Sunday Morning at Magee Marsh

On Sunday morning I decided to head back to Magee Marsh Wildlife Area.  It was a nice enough day and I thought that I'd have a chance to see the eagles in action.
 I think this is a brown headed cowbird.  I took it as I was arriving at the eagle spot.
 One of the eagles standing guard over the nest.  I'm not sure if this was the female or the male.
 he was sounding the alarm for a bit.
 I kind of liked this angle.
 He ended up moving to another tree briefly.  I was able to get a closer shot of him.
 But not for long.
 It made for a nice picture.
 A little bit later, he was chasing off an immature eagle.
 It was kind of neat as it looked like a dogfight.  The eagles were swirling around each other.
 A crane.
 I tried to catch one of the swallows in flight.  I think I did okay.
 An egret.
 The eagle returning to the nest.
 He was flying somewhere.
 And then he was flying back to his nest.
 And a nice landing.
 And I think he was posing.
 Another shot in flight.
I ended up going to the other nest.  The eaglets hatched and I was able to get a picture of one of them.

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