Friday, April 28, 2017

The Philip R. Clarke Downbound at Belle Isle

The last time that I saw the Philip R. Clarke was on Christmas Eve.  I think she was going into layup at that point. 
 When I saw that she was coming down, I had to catch her.  She's a pretty ship but it's starting to look like she needs a little loving.
 As I said in the last post, it started to rain.  As I was taking pictures of the Clarke, it started to rain harder.
 At that point, I figured I wasn't going to get any wetter, so I might as well get some pictures.  Plus it was still fairly warm.
 I believe she was heading to Fairport, Ohio and she was coming from Stoneport, MI. 
 So I guess that means that she had a load of stone.  By this time, the rain really picked up.  If you look closely, you can see the splashes of the raindrops in the water.
 Her profile.
And she continues down the Detroit River.

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