Monday, April 17, 2017

Wandering Down Embury Road

After catching the first set of trains, I decided to head down Embury Road in pursuit of some wildflowers.  They were kind of bloomed on Saturday and I thought they might be a little more bloomed yesterday.
 I think these might be star flowers, but again I'm not sure.
 I kind of like this.
 Sometimes you have to stop and look at things in a different light.
 A pussy willow blossom.
 A trio of pussy willow blossoms in different states.
 Some marsh marigolds.
 Again, I'm not sure what kind of flower this is.

 I tried for a slightly different angle.
 If you turn on Joslin Lake Road after leavign Embury Road, you pass a free range cattle farm.  It's kind of cool.  This one was kind of posing for me.
And a wild cherry blossom.

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