Monday, May 1, 2017

A Sure Sign of Spring

The return of the swans are nice but sometimes they come a little early.  Seeing a robin is almost a sign of spring, but sometimes there are robins that end up getting stuck in the area.  Seeing wildflowers are okay but there are some that are more late winter flowers than early spring.  But I think there is one sure sign of spring.
 I went down Embury Road again.  I don't know but they have a pretty nice mix of wildflowers and occasionally I like to insert things of natural beauty in between the things of mechanical beauty.  I'm pretty sure that this is a violet.
 Marsh marigolds are usually pretty nice especially when they are set against the green background of their leaves.
 Like I said in the last post, it was pretty nice so the sun was shining just enough to get a decent picture of the flowers.
 But not so much that the colors are washed out.
 As I was taking pictures of the flowers, I heard a plane flying overhead.  I am pretty sure that this was a 787 but I'm not sure what airline.
 I'm not sure if this is Solomon's Seal or fake Solomon's seal, at any rate it was a pretty cool looking flower.
 Another flower that I'm not sure about.
 A better violet picture.
However, the certain sign of spring is the return of the trillium.  I think they need a couple warm days in order to start to blossom.  At anyrate, they are pretty flower.

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