Friday, May 26, 2017

The South Haven Lighthouse

So I stopped in Grand Haven but it was raining pretty hard and I couldn't see any signs of the kite festival (apparently they ended up doing it on Sunday).  The pier on the lighthouse was still under construction and I didn't feel like braving the rain to get pictures of it.
 So I decided to head down to South Haven.  It's been a while since I've been there and by the time I arrived, the rain had cleared and that gave me a good chance to get some pictures as it was still cloudy.
 I like the lights that have the catwalks leading to them.  It gives them a nice unique look.
 Looking from the front.  You can see one of the puddles remaining from the rain.
I was trying to get the reflection of the lighthouse in the puddle.  It kind of worked.
 A mallard taking a break.
 The long view of the pier.
 And the longer view of the pier.
The lighthouse with part of the beach.  I think that there are some pretty nice beaches on the west side of the state.

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