Monday, May 15, 2017

Wandering Around Eastern Michigan

So I'm trying to catch up on my posting from last week.  It turns out that I had a pretty busy week last week and a tough time getting it posted.  On Tuesday, I ended up taking a walk around Eastern Michigan's campus before going into work.  There is an article I want to do over at Hustle Belt, so I needed a couple of pictures.  Plus it was a nice morning.
 I parked over by Pierce Hall, so that was the first picture I took.  I kind like the looks of this tower and the campus is pretty nice in the spring.
 Looking out at Pease Auditorium.
 The Pierce Hall tower.  Apparently, I was a week late as the trees were blossomed last week.
 Starkweather Hall.
 Sherzer Hall.
 The article I'm going to do is about the football field that used to be at this location.  It's now a diag and Mark-Jefferson Hall.
Of course, I can't pass up an opportunity to take a picture of the Water Tower.
 McKenny Hall.
 Welch Hall.
 The front of Welch Hall.
 And a picture of the Martin Luther King bust.
Boone Hall.

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