Friday, June 16, 2017


Chicago had some nasty weather on Wednesday and that lead to some diversions from Chicago O'Hare.  Detroit Metro was lucky enough to get a couple of them.  I wish I would have paid more attention to it because I could have gotten an airline that I don't see here.
 I ended up going to place where I thought I could get some decent shots of planes taking off.  First up was this MD-88 heading to Baltimore.
 A Republic ERJ makes it way to Newark.
 I can't make out the tail number of this plane but I think it's a CRJ.
 One of the DC-9 variants.
 I' m not sure if having a picture of a flightless bird on an aircraft but I do like the artwork on the tails of Frontier planes.  This one was off to Phoenix.
 This is an Airbus A319 heading to Pittsburgh.  If you look closely at the top, you can see a Southwest 737 coming in.
 One of the planes that diverted from O'Hare was a 777 belonging to United.  It was flying in from Beijing.  I can't imagine another couple of hours being added to an already long flight.  But I guess that beats trying to land in nasty weather.
 This 767 is heading to Munich.
 I'm not sure what kind of plane this is.
 The Spirit in the Sky heads off to LaGuardia.
And I ended my evening with an A319.

Of course when I got home, I found out that there were a couple of other planes diverted to Metro.  One of them was a 777 belonging to Turkish Airlines.  I think that would have been a neat plane to catch.  There was also a Lufthansa and Air France plane but I see those enough.

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