Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Eastern Michigan Announces New Athletic Director

I saw an announcement that Eastern Michigan was going to announce their new athletic director.  It was actually at a time when I could go, so I decided to head over there to get some pictures.
 They had representatives from most of the Eastern Michigan sports.
 Eastern Michigan President James M. Smith making the announcement of the new director.  I saw various tweets last night that Eastern Michigan had made their selection but I dismissed them as rumor.  Then I saw an article in the Detroit News.  President Smith made a comment that he was kind of surprised that they were able to keep it under wraps that long.
 The new Athletic Director is Scott Whetherbee (I'm going to have to make sure I spell that name correctly for a while).  He was raised in Kalamazoo, Michigan and worked in the ticket office at Western Michigan University.  He went to Ferris State on a baseball scholarship until they killed the program.  Then he finished his academic career at Ball State where he got his bachelor's degree in sports administration.  He bounced around a few college athletic departments until he landed at Mississippi State where served as Senior Associate Athletic Director for External Affairs.
It sounds like he may be a good fit for Eastern Michigan because he's managed to bring success to many programs that live in the shadows of larger programs.  I think he also comes to Eastern Michigan at critical juncture.
I wish him the best of luck at Eastern Michigan and I hope he builds on the previous athletic directors.

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