Saturday, June 3, 2017

Finding the Heavies

So I decided to go planewatching today.  I was hoping to catch the noon-time heavies.
 First up was the 767 that was serving as Delta Flight 17 out of London's Heathrow Airport.
 Next up was the Lufthansa Flight from Frankfurt.  This was an Airbus A340.  I think these are used for the flight to Detroit in the summer. 
 I thought someone was wrong when I saw the Lufthansa flight land on one of the 22's.  Normally the flights that originate from the east will use Runway 21L which will fly right over me when I go to my normal spot.  I don't mind the pictures from 22, but I think the normal angle is better.  This aircraft is the Delta flight coming in from Amsterdam.
 I think this is one of the Southwest flights from Denver.  So this would be normal on this runway.
 After the Southwest flight was the Delta 757 that was arriving from Orlando.  At this point, I was pretty confident they weren't going to land on 21L.
 This 737 was coming in from Seattle.
 And this Southwest plane was coming in from Atlanta.
 A Spirit A320 comes in from Philadelphia.
 I decided to stick around my normal spot for one more plane as the 767 from Munich was coming in.
 This is a new airline for me.  It is an AeroMexico Embrear 190ER.  I love the Aztec head on the tail.
I went over to a different spot to catch the 747 coming in from Shanghai.  I knew that it would be using 22.

I think the planes may have been using 22 because of the race on Belle Isle but I'm not sure.

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