Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Catching Up with the American Integrity

The next ship represented my 10th thousand footer for the weekend.  If timing would have been better, I think I would have seen at least 12 of them but that didn't quite work out.
 The Federal Columbia heads up towards Duluth.  The American Integrity heads towards the Locks.  A Dash 8 that was landing at the Airport in Sault Ste Marie, Canada.
 I believe the American Integrity was heading down from Superior, WI with a load of coal.
 And I believe she was heading to the power plant in St. Clair.
 At any rate, I liked the setting sun and the gray clouds.
And one more shot as she heads towards the Locks.

Apparently that Sunday night was supposed to be a good one to see the Aurora Borealis.  Sadly, it clouded over.

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