Friday, July 7, 2017

Catching Up With the Burns Harbor

One of the things that I like about shipwatching in Detroit and Port Huron is that I get to see a fair number of the ships that sail on the Great Lakes.  However, there are a few that almost exclusively stick to Lake Michigan and Lake Superior.
 The Burns Harbor will occasionally pass Detroit or Port Huron but I think she mostly sticks to the Duluth-Burns Harbor/Gary route.  Because of that, I don't get to see her that often.
 So it was kind of nice seeing her pass Detour.
 I'm not quite sure where she was headed though.  It could either be Duluth or Two Harbors.
 She continues her way up the river.
 It takes a ship about 5 hours to travel from DeTour to Mission Point.  I wasn't sure if I had enough light to catch her but I did.
She continues on her way to the Soo Locks.

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