Sunday, July 16, 2017

Catching Up With the Frontenac

So one of the ships that I wanted to catch was the Frontenac.
 With the introduction of newer ships, I think the days for ships like the Frontenac are numbers.  I haven't heard anything definitive but I keep hearing rumors.  With Algoma Central scrapping their traditional lakers, I can't believe that Canada Steamship Lines are too far behind.
 As I said in other post, she is the near sister to the Algosteel.  I think she even has the same ugly self-unloader.  While that distracts from her lines, it is probably necessary for her continued existence.
 The headshot as she starts to make her turn into the channel.
 You can see the next ship slightly behind her.
 The Detroit Police Boat passing her.
 I think a pretty nice shot of her.

Unfortunately, I didn't write down where she was headed.

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