Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Random Sights Around the Soo

These are just shots that I couldn't otherwise classify.
 A flock of guess heading across the river.
 A cormorant zipping by.
 A memorial to Fort Brady.  This was the fort that was established by the United States in order to protect the Soo Locks.
 An osprey looking at me.
 A Coast Gaurd boat wandering by Mission Point.
 The boatnerd cruise in the MacArthur Lock.
 The Administration Building.  The water was almost perfectly smooth and I liked the reflection.
 A pontoon plane.
 The Coast Guard boat going a little faster.
 I have no idea what this is.
 A seagull.
 I think I really like this shot of the cormorant.  As I've said before, these are my happy place birds.  Even more so than seagulls.  I like seagulls well enough but there seem to be fewer cormorants, so they are special.
 Another tour boat.
 It turns out that many planes heading to O'Hare from Europe fly right over the Soo.  It gave me a pretty decent chance for planewatching.   This is a 747.
 A shot of the moon.
 A pilot boat.
 Back to the osprey.  I don't think she was happy to see me.

 I really like this shot.
 I believe this was a Royal Jordanian 787 heading to O'Hare.
And a CN engine passing by.

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