Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Honorable James L. Oberstar Makes Two Appearances

This is a post from two separate days.  I forgot to post the first part earlier but I figured I'd catch up here.
 I caught her coming downbound on Thursday as we heading up from DeTour to the Soo.  There is a nice little park that is on the other side of the Rock Cut.  You can get a fairly good view of the Soo from there.
 I believe in this case, she was heading down from Marquette to the Rouge River to deliver taconite.  As I said before with the Kaye E. Barker, that's not a particularly long trip.
 Anyway, the overcast skies stayed with us for the most part.

 And she continues on her way.
 I caught her heading back upbound on Sunday evening.  The sunny skies of the afternoon faded to cloudy and somewhat foggy.  But I think that makes for interesting pictures.
 A shot of her pilothouse.  Here she was on the return trip.  I found another spot on the River where I can grab pictures.
She heads into the Lock.

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