Thursday, July 13, 2017

The Kaye E. Barker on the Rouge River - An Engineer's Day Epilogue

So the second to last ship that I caught leaving the Soo on Monday was the Kaye E. Barker.   I saw on her AIS that she was heading to the Rouge River.  After a little bit of math, I figured that I would be able to catch her on the Fourth of July as she headed up the Rouge.
 I was going to get up a little earlier to catch her as she passed Belle Isle but that didn't happen.  I was also thinking of catching her as she passed the Fort Street Bridge but I didn't want that to interfere with my pictures at the Dix Bridge because that's my favorite spot.
 On Sunday she passed Mission Point at roughly 9 in the morning.  This picture was taken at almost 11 in the morning.  So it is roughly a 26 hour trek from the Soo Locks to the Rouge River.  It doesn't look that far on the map.
 She slowly approaches the bridge.  As you can see, we had a pretty nice Fourth of July.
 Which of course made for nice pictures.
 Her pilothouse emerges on the other side of the bridge.
 There were a few of us assembled on the bridge, so apparently we were getting our pictures taken.
 And she slowly works her way towards the slip.  I think when you see black smoke coming up from the pilothouse, that means her bow thrusters are working.
 A shot of the switcher engine framed by the parts of the ship.
 A shot of her stack. 
 And this made for a perfect Fourth of July shot.
 And probably the reason why I like this spot.
 A nice stern shot.  I just wish there were a stiffer breeze so the flag were flying out a little better.

And she makes her way into the slip.

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