Sunday, August 27, 2017

A Stop at the St. Joseph Lighthouse

Since the St. Joseph Lighthouse was on the way, I couldn't help but stop.
 If you look to the right and just below the lighthouse, you will see a group of people.  I'm not sure what the circumstances were but they were giving CPR to someone.  As I was heading up to the lighthouse, the EMS folks were following behind me.  I am hoping that the guy is okay.
 Since I wanted to avoid the commotion, I went to the other side and got a little closer to the lighthouse.  That would put it behind me.  If the EMT's weren't there, I would have offered to help.
 A shot of the range light.  There were some puddles, so I used those to get some reflections.
 Looking back at the lighthouse.
 Another angle.

This was probably my favorite shot of the day.

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