Sunday, August 13, 2017

Hanging With the Oberstar Today

As I was waiting for the A350, I took a quick look at AIS.  I need to kill about a half hour or so.  I then noticed that the Oberstar was heading up the Rouge River.  Since it's been a while since I've gone boatwatching, I decided to go catch her.
 As I arrived at the Dix Avenue Bridge, I saw that she was stopped.  I didn't think that she was unloading further down the river.  Then it dawned on me that she was probably waiting for a train.  But I thought ships had the priority but it probably depends.  I waited for a bit and then I saw that she was moving.
 It didn't take much longer for her to pass under the Fort Street Bridge and start working her way up the river.
 As she made the turn for the Dix Avenue Bridge, she scared up a flock of geese.
 The river was pretty calm...
 ...and it made for good reflections.
 Sadly, I was shooting towards the sun, but still made for decent pictures.
 I think I really liked the reflections.

 It didn't take too long for her to reach the bridge.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 She emerges on the other side.
 A father and son watching her pass by.
 Her stack and lifeboat.
 Her motor boat.
 It wasn't too windy though.
 She starts to make the final turn.
One more shot before moving on.

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