Sunday, September 3, 2017

An Amazing Practice

Like I said in the last post, I took Friday off.  I was going to do other things but I figured that would give me a good opportunity to catch the Blue Angels as they practiced.  First I started at my normal spot on the Ecorse Service Drive but the Police told us that it had to be cleared before the Blue Angels.  Then I headed to where the Yankee Air Force Museum used to be.  I waited there for a bit and then found that the Blue Angels weren't going to start until 3:00.  So I decided to head to lunch.
 The first plane that I caught was a Cessna 172G.  I'm pretty sure this wasn't a Blue Angel though.
 This kind of looks like the Albatross Jet that is flown by the Breitling team.  It is painted to look like an old school U.S. Navy plane.
 A Cessna Citation taking off.
 I"m not sure what kind of biplane this was but it was going through its paces.  It looked much different without the smoke.
 A Bearcat decked out to look like the first Blue Angel team.
 This is a 737 that is used by the US Marshall Service.  I believe that it is used for prisoner transport.
 Another biplane.
 It wasn't much longer before the Blue Angels started their show.  I ended up parking at the Yankee Air Museum and I was thinking about walking a little closer but I wasn't sure if they were going to close those spots down, so I stayed where I was.
 And I will have to admit, it wasn't a bad spot.  It wasn't quite as good as the views I would get at the Air Show but it wasn't bad.
 The Blue Angel diamond.
 A couple of seconds later in better light.
 They started to do a roll.
 The mirror image formation.

 The Echelon formation.
 The burst.  I think they were doing one of their low altitude demonstrations.
 The delta formation.
 The planes peeling off before going back in formation.
 Another view of the delta formation.
 Another burst.
 I managed to catch some of the moisture.
Getting ready to enter the landing pattern.

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