Monday, September 18, 2017

The Cason J. Callaway on a Misty Morning

Sometime last week, I saw a post on Facebook that the Nickel Plate was going to be passing through Fostoria on Thursday.   I decided to put in a vacation request in order to go chase it.  Almost as soon as my request was entered, they ended up changing the date to Tuesday.  Since I didn't feel like changing or cancelling the vacation day, I figured that ships would be in order.
 I decided to head down to Riverside Park first to catch my first ship of the morning.  It turns out that this picture was an indicator of how my day would go.  On the left is the ship that I was coming to catch first and that was the Cason J. Callaway.  In the middle was the St Clair and it turns out that I would catch her later.  On the right was the Whitefish Bay which would be another ship that I would catch later.
 The Callaway starting to pass the Renaissance Center.  As you can see, it was a little misty that morning.  I was cool with that because it makes for cool ship pictures.
 The Callaway headshot.  I was a little off from Riverside Park when I took this.  It wasn't too bad of a spot though.
 The Callaway making the turn to continue on the channel.
 I think she is a very nice looking boat.
 She was on her way to Zug Island, I think.  I'm not sure if she had a load of stone or ore though.
 I really like this picture.  Like I said, it was a beautiful morning.  I think I like the way the clouds lead into the ship.
 The Westcott at her side.
 Just after the Westcott pulls away.
And one more shot before moving on.

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