Friday, September 8, 2017

The Lovely Kaye E. Barker Riding Rough to the Rouge

I was actually not expecting to the catch the next ship, but I did.
 So the next ship didn't even register on my radar.  When I checked AIS, I thought she was too far back to matter but I guess I misunderestimated.
 The Kaye E. Barker was carrying a load of taconite from Marquette.  Judging by her profile, she was riding pretty heavy too.
 As I said in my other posts, the waves were a little rough and judging by my ride home, it probably got even rougher.
 The Kaye E. Barker was on her way down to the Rouge River.  I think at one time I looked up how much iron was required to produce steel.
 I'm pretty sure it's quite a bit.
 She passes under the Blue Water Bridge.
 The waves were getting higher.

 A shot of her pilothouse.
 The wind was causing the flag to fly almost straight back.
 But that makes for a cool shot.
In about five hours after this shot, she would be passing Belle Isle.  And two hours after that, she would be unloading at the Rouge.

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