Monday, October 23, 2017

A Rainy Visit to Sleeping Bear Dunes

Again based on my entries here, it's been seven years since I've been to Sleeping Bear Dunes.  Something tells me that is entirely too long.  Anyway....
 Sleeping Bear Dunes was established in 1970 by the transfer of private land to the government.  The Federal Government's stance at the time was that the Great Lakes deserved the same type of preservation as sites on the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.  The Federal Government ended up winning the argument by offsetting lost tax revenue for the local schools.
 In 2011, it was voted as the most beautiful place in America by Good Morning, America.
 And I think they are right.  The park was established because it is a good microcosm of the Great Lakes shoreline.
 The main trail cutting through the park.  It is a pretty nice little drive.
 Looking at one of the dunes.  If you feel brave, you can venture down to the bottom but that's not recommended if you have health issues.
 Another view of the dune.
 As you can see it was a pretty miserable day out.

 A group of tourists at the dunes.
 As you can see, there is fairly varied terrain here.
Another shot as we were leaving.

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