Friday, October 27, 2017

Ann Arbor Planewatching

So it was kind of a long story that led me to this.  There were some people that saw an eagle at work, so of course I grabbed my camera.  I would have gotten some good pictures if I didn't leave the camera in manual mode when I took the train pictures on Tuesday.  All of my pictures were way overexposed and I didn't notice until the eagle was gone.
 As I went out to see if I could catch him again, I saw that there were some planes flying around.  One of them was this Cessna.
 I figured that I might as well catch the late afternoon 747 as well.  This particular one was the one on the way to Seoul.
 The moon.
 A Piper Arrow.
 The other 747 that was headed to Shanghai.
 I needed gas, so I stopped at the Speedway station on the corner of Ellsworth and State Street.  While I was filling up, I caught this Cessna 152.
 It was followed closely by this Cessna 152.  As I was taking its picture, I noticed that its tail number was 757, so I call this a plane aspiring to better things.
 The first Cessna 152.
 This is a Cessna 152 that I've seen before.  It belongs to the Michigan Flyers.
 One of the things that I like about planespotting at Ann Arbor is that I get a chance to get some decent front end shots.
 That plane starting to pass me.
 the 757 plane again.
 This is a Diamond Aircraft DA40 Diamond Star.  The DA40 is an Austrian built lightweight aircraft constructed from composite materials.  It is based on the earlier DA20 but it has four seats.  It is powered by a Lycoming IO-360 180 horsepower engine which gives it a top speed of 150 knots.  Its first flight was in 1997 and it is still in production.  It is a pretty cool looking aircraft.
 Continuing with the Cessnas.
 Trying to get the other angles.
 And the beam shot.
 Back to the "757".
As I was leaving the airport, I saw this Alaska Airlines 737 flying overhead.  It was on its way to Seattle.

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