Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The Manitowoc Leaving Grand Haven

Part of the reason why I had to wait for the Sykes was because it was waiting for the Manitowoc to leave.  I didn't get any pictures earlier in the day because it doesn't really unload in a spot that is conducive to getting good pictures.
 I saw that she finally retracted her boom which meant that it was getting close for her time to leave.
 I was rapidly losing my light though, so I had to bump up the ISO.  After a puff of black smoke, she started to back away from her dock.
 This generally makes for nicer pictures.  I kind of like all the lights.
 The water was fairly calm, so it made for some nice reflections.
 She pulls back away from me, which gave me a chance to get some bow shots.
 I couldn't get the head shot though.
 And she backs into Lake Michigan.
and one more shot.

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