Thursday, October 26, 2017

Western Michigan at Eastern Michigan Football - In Pictures

Like I said in my last post, Saturday was a game day.  It was Homecoming for Eastern Michigan and they were facing off against Western Michigan.  With their only loss in the MAC West coming against Toledo, they still had a chance at winning the MAC West (with some help).  The only problem was that they carrying a four game losing streak but each of those games was by a touchdown or less.

Anyway, these are pictures around the game.  For game pictures go to Hustle Belt.
 The band takes the field.
 Another angle of the band taking the field.
 I kind of like this shot.
 The Majorette.
 One of the drum majors coming onto the field.

 Another shot of flag carriers.
 I was trying for the reflection in the tuba.
The color guard coming onto the field.
 I finally got a decent shot of the eagle.
 I do like to post one of my favorite shots of the game.  I managed to crop out a ref to get this shot.  Johnnie Niupalau makings a pretty impossible catch.
 The Western Michigan Cheerleaders.
 Western Michigan ended up changing their mascot a bit.  He looks alot more buff.
 Part of the Eastern Michigan dance routine.
 The band taking the field for the halftime show.
 Since I had my bigger lens, I was doing more closeups than normal.
 I was trying for the triangle.
 Another triangle.
 Again trying for an unusual panoramic shot.
 For one of the songs they played, they started to dance.
 Trying the stadium shot with a smaller instrument.

 The Dance Team joines for one of the songs.
 One more shot of the band.
 And of course I get distracted by a 757.
 There was a pretty decent sized crowd at the game on Saturday.  It actually made parking difficult for me.
 A 737.
 I think this was an MD-90 that was on its way to Denver.
 And of course the 747.
 Coach Creighton contemplating the situation.
 He wasn't very happy with this call.
And Fed Ex 505 as I was heading to the car.

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