Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Night Time Plane Shots

It's that time of year again.  It is generally dark when I get home from work, so that means I need to try some nighttime shots.  This time I wanted to try something different, so I tried to get some nighttime shots of the airport.
 There is a spot at the main parking deck where you are overlooking some of the gates.  The spots are usually occupied by MD-88's and CRJs.  This particular plane is an MD-88 getting ready to head to Raleigh-Durham.
 For this picture, I was inspired by a picture on one of the aviation groups on Facebook.  He had a sunset shot of this terminal.  I thought a night shot would look cooler.
 The MD-88 from the first picture getting ready to take off.  This was a little trickier because the plane was moving.  Still, not too bad of an attempt.
 A Skywest CRJ-900 heading to San Antonio.  I like this one a little better but I thought the runways were a little better lit.
 A 757 coming in for a landing.
 After fiddling around with some of the settings.  This shot actually gives me a little hope.
And this one gave me the most hope of all of them.  A Skywest CRJ-200 heading to Escanaba. Since it was dark, I would say it ended up under the moonlight.

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