Sunday, November 19, 2017

The Algoma Equinox Makes an Appearance

Shortly after the newest Algoma Equinox class boats passed by, I was greeted by the oldest of that class.
 The Algoma Equinox was introduced with some degree of controversy in 2013.  She was the first a new class boats that was to be built in China.  This was after the Canadian Prime Minister relaxed some of the tariffs that helped the Canadian shipyards.
 Personally, I think that Canadian companies should support other Canadian companies but I can understand the costs involved.  As I said in my last post, I do think these are nice looking boats.
 Unlike the Algoma Niagara, the first four ships of the Equinox class were straight deckers.  I think that pretty much puts them exclusively in the grain hauling category.  Two of the boats were owned by the Canadian Wheat Board but I think that ownership transferred to G3.  They are still operated by Algoma Central.
 She makes her way past the Blue Water Bridge.
 Looking at her pilothouse.  I like the big windows they have on these ships.  When you see a picture from inside the pilothouse, it almost looks like a starship.
 She continues on her way down the St. Clair River.
 I ended up catching her again at St. Clair because I wanted to catch two other ships.  I decided that I wanted to shorten the time before catching those two.  As you can see, it was foggier here.
 I like a thin fog because it makes for nice ship pictures.
 I don't like rain though.
And she continues her way down the St Clair River again.  She is on her way to Port Cartier, Quebec which is almost in the Atlantic Ocean.  One of the reasons why Canadian ships have a shorter lifespan that American ships is that many of them do come in contact with saltwater, even if it is somewhat diluted.

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