Friday, November 17, 2017

The Mesabi Miner Sails Past Detroit

I was up at the Troy office today and prior to leaving I took a look at Marine Traffic to see if there was anything passing while I'd be passing Detroit.  It turns out that there was.
 If I was following Marine Traffic correctly today, she was leaving Toledo.  I'm pretty sure she would have been delivering coal there but I'm not sure.  Anyway, it turned out that she would be passing around the Belle Isle Bridge about the same time I would arrive in Detroit.
 Since I wasn't 100% sure, I ended up stopping at a little park that I will sometimes use.  It's not a very nice park but I think they are in the process of working on it.  In fact, someone was getting questioned by the Postal Police while I was there.  I didn't realize there was such a thing.  I don't linger long at this park but it is nice for getting shots of Zug Island in the background.
 She passes under the Ambassador Bridge.
 It was kind of a mixed bag for an evening.  It was actually pretty warm but cloudy.
 The straight out shot.
 And she continues up the river.
 I decided that I wanted a couple more shots of her, so I headed up to Belle Isle.
 I kind of like the look of ships as it gets close to nighttime.  They generally have their lights on and it looks cool.  I really like the looks of the ships with the scrubbers because it looks like they are billowing out steam as a reminder of days gone past.
 The foc'sle light reflecting on the Detroit River.
 A closer shot of her pilothouse.
And one more shot of her.  She is on her way to Duluth Superior.  I presume that means she will be picking up a load of coal from there.  Anyway, I don't envy Great Lakes sailors at this time of year.

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