Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Life...an Update

So I figured that I would give my readers an update of my status.  I had an appointment with the Infectious Diseases people on Friday.  They were going to look at me and there was a possibility that I could get oral antibiotics instead of the IV that I am currently on.  If that would have happened, I probably would have been discharged from the rehab facility.  That didn't happen, so I am going to be here until the 26th of January at least.  I'm actually okay with that.

They ended my physical and occupational therapy because they said that there wasn't much more they can do with that.  They did clear me to wander the halls which is nice because I can talk a walk whenever I want.  I will have a wellness adviser for the duration of my stay.  That will be helpful because exercise will get me back to a normal state of healthiness.

The chest incision is healing pretty well but it still hurts on occasion.  I have an appointment with the surgeon around the same time as the IV is done.  I think I'll have good news then.  Maybe I will be able to get out photographing again.  I still probably will not do sports until I get cleared to go back to work but I don't see any harm of photographing ships or airplanes.

Again, I want to express my thanks for all the prayers and well wishes.  They've been very helpful in pulling me through this.

Since I can't get a current picture, I will leave you will an older picture of the current Coast Guard cutter Mackinaw.


  1. Get better soon! Can't wait to see your pics from the sideline again.

  2. Glad things are looking up mate, you could always photograph the nurses - if they will let you!
