Monday, February 26, 2018

Chasing the Dream Again...

I'm returning to work on March 12 which means that I have two more weeks to enjoy my time off.  This gives me the chance to catch the 787 a couple more times before I have to go back to work.  It was a nice enough day, so I headed over to the airport.
 First up was an MD-88 that was arriving from Boston.
 Next up was the plane that I was interested in catching.  I was able to watch as she made her final turns towards the runway.  Unfortunately, it was too far out to get a decent picture.  At least decent enough to post here.  But that's okay, I guess.
 Royal Jordanian 267 originates in Amman, Jordan.  During the winter months, it makes a stop in Montreal before it continues here.
 It's a nice looking plane and a nice looking livery.  I heard that Air France will start flying 787's to Detroit Metro.  I can't wait.
 Next up was a CJR-700 that was flying in from Elmira, NY.
 There is usually a grouping of 757's that arrives around the same time as the 787.  I'm happy about that because the 757 is my favorite plane.  This particular one was arriving from Fort Myers.
 It was followed by a 757 from Fort Lauderdale.
 I decided to get a couple of angles.
 A 737 arriving from Tampa.
 Last up was the 757-300 from Orlando.
I think the longer 757 is my favorite.

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