Saturday, February 3, 2018

Return to Planespotting

Even though it was cold yesterday, I decided to go to the airport to do some brief spotting.  I saw that one of the planes would be a Frontier plane with a wolverine on the tail.  I had to catch that one.
 This plane was coming to Detroit from Orlando, I think.
 This one was returning from Fort Myers.
 I was happy to see that one of the planes I would catch would be a 757.
 The American Airlines plane was a surprise because it was one of the heritage livery planes.  This particular livery is for Pacific Southwest Airlines.  It was founded in 1949 with  DC-3 that went from Oakland to San Diego.  Eventually, it would service many cities in the West.  In 1987, it was merged into USAir (later US Airways and American).  It's a pretty cool livery because it looks like the plane is smiling.  So I think the plane was happy to see my return to spotting.
 The Frontier Airlines plane in question.
And this A350 was returning to Detroit from Seoul.

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