Thursday, March 1, 2018

A Stop at Kensington Metropark

Tuesday was a pretty nice day, so I decided to head over to Kensington Metropark.  I'd never been there before but several people said I should go check it out.  It turns out they were right.
 As I got out of the car, there was a pair of sandhill cranes right next it.  I was surprised they were staying there for as long as they were.  Anyway, I kind of like this picture.
 A Canada goose standing on ice.  There was still quite a bit of ice there.
 A closeup of the goose's head.
 I kind of liked the reflection in the water.
 Another shot of that.
 The goose at another angle.
 Then I went for a walk down the boardwalk.  At the other side of the lake there were some nests.  I think they occasionally have eagles.
 Another angle of the crane.
 As I walked down the trail, I noticed a pair of cranes.  Made for some nice pictures.
 Zooming in on his face.
 Another angle.
 Another shot of the crane.
 I kind of like the green in the sunlight.
 The bird walking towards me.
 Another good.
Another picture where I liked the reflection.

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