Saturday, March 31, 2018

A Stop in Grand Haven

As I said in the last post, I decided to head over to the western side of the state.  I was hoping to get some angry Lake Michigan shots.
 Sadly, that wasn't to be the case.  It was also the case, that I was shooting into the sun, so my pictures weren't quite as good as I hoped. 
 I tried to use the manual mode on the camera.  I think that helped a little bit.
 I think this is a merganser duck.
 I was able to mess with the camera a bit.  Sadly, there were a few people there yesterday.  It was a nice day and that seems to bring the people out in droves.
 I was able to get the color of the lighthouse, but the sky is a little washed out. 
 Another shot of the duck.
 One more shot of the lighthouse.
 As I was getting back in the car, I saw this seagull perched on the light.  I love the patterns on the seagull.
He started to yell.

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