Sunday, April 22, 2018

Catching the Sunset at Kensington Metro Park

After eating dinner at Bill's Hot Dogs, I headed over to Kensington Metro Park.  I was hoping to catch some birds.
Well I did end up catching some birds.  Mostly fowl creatures though.  I think this is a grebe.
This is the picture of serenity for me.
A pair of Canada geese coming in for a landing.
A swan swimming by me.  Unfortunately, I was shooting into the sun for this.
It makes a turn.
A Canada Goose.
Another shot of the swan.
One of the sandhill cranes walking near the parking lot.
As I was looking to get a picture of an egret, I saw this wood duck floating around.
He joined his family.
One more shot of the duck.
A Boeing 777 belonging to China Airways flying overhead.  It was heading from Taipei to JFK in New York City.
A sandhill crane in a puddle.
I liked this shot of this red winged blackbird.
A Canada goose puffing out for me.
And then he was trying to chase another goose out of his territory.

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