Monday, May 14, 2018

Taking the Mad Dog Home

Sadly all good things my come to an end and it was time to head home.  I like to get a picture of the plane that I'm going to fly on.  Unfortunately, there was a gate in the way, so I couldn't do that.
 The Mad Dogs are one of my favorite planes and I figured I would ask if I could get a picture of the cockpit.  The worst they could say it no.  It was pretty cool, the pilot even asked if I wanted to sit in the seat and get a picture in the cockpit.  Since I didn't really want to hold things up, I said thank you but declined.  If you compare this to a more modern plane, you will notice a number of differences.  It was still a nice ride though.
I did manage to get a picture of my plane.  Sadly, it is not one of my better shots but I think the reflections are kind of cool.

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