Monday, May 14, 2018

Visiting the Rocky Mountain National Park Amongst Other Things

So I went out to Colorado to visit a supplier that I've visited before but I was traveling with someone from our parent company.  We were supposed to get our stuff done on Thursday which would have given us some time to sightsee on Friday before our plane left.  As it turned out, we could only do one thing on Thursday and had to go back to the supplier on Friday to finish things up.

The weather was nice on Thursday, so it sort of worked out for us.  We finished up what we could on Thursday morning and went to visit another vendor that was in the area.  This gave us the rest of the afternoon to wander over to Rocky Mountain National Park.  He's never been there before.
 This is looking out behind the supplier we went to visit.  I think you can see Wyoming off in the distance.
 They had some pretty neat flowering trees.
 After visiting the other supplier, I ended up heading over to the Rocky Mountain National Park.  The drive over there from the part of Colorado we were staying in was pretty nice.  Since  I rarely get to see mountains, I had to take pictures.
 One of the flowers along side the road.
 Looking down the road we were on.
 A stream running alongside the road.
 I really need to work on getting pictures of mountain peaks.  These unfortunately look washed out.  I was also shooting into the sun and that probably didn't help.
 I think this was pretty close to Estes Park.
 This was as we were entering Estes Park.
 This was from a park in Estes Park.  I think I was here before and probably took a picture of this mountain before.
 I know I took this one.
 Looking across a lake.
 Looking towards the Stanley Hotel.  They were doing some work on it, so I didn't want to get any closer pictures.
 I arrived at the park and saw this magpie posing for me.  It was pretty cool.
 It was also cool to get up close to some elk.  I think there are elk in Michigan but I don't think you can get this close to them.
 It was tough to get them while they weren't grazing.
 Another one.
 Another group of them.
 The scenery in the park is pretty cool.
 I just love the mountains.
 Another peak.
 Another group of elk.
 You better stop, look, what's that sound, everybody look what's going down.
 Trying another set of peaks.
 Looking down a valley.

 I tried to get this creature.
 Another magpie.
 I think this is one of the more prominent landmarks in the park.
 A pair of mule deer.
I was trying to get one to look at me.

I would love to go back here again.  I know there is much that I missed but I got a nice thumbnail tour.

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