Monday, June 18, 2018

Catching the CSL Assiniboine

As I was getting ready to pack up to go home, I took at look at Marine Traffic one more time.  Just wanted to make sure there wasn't anything else coming up.
 It turns out that the CSL Assiniboine was making her way upbound.
 I'm not sure where she was headed from.
 But I know that she was heading to Duluth Superior.
 I'm going to guess that she would be picking up either a load of coal or iron ore.
 Either way, it was nice to catch her.
 She approaches the Blue Water Bridge.
As of this post, she is almost to Duluth.  So it takes about 2 days to travel from Port Huron to Duluth.  Just to give you an idea of the size of the Lakes.

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