Monday, June 18, 2018

Catching Up With the John G. Munson

After attempting to see a ship in Muskegon, I looked at Marine Traffic and saw that I had a chance to catch a couple of ships in Port Huron.  One of those ships is one that I don't mind catching.  So it was back in the car to make the trek across the state.  Some of you might say that is a bit excessive, except that I've done it before.
 I arrived in Port Huron at the perfect time.  I was starting to get the "golden light" from the setting sun.  It's the point where the sun is shining almost directly on your subject.  It makes for nice pictures.
 The John G. Munson was heading down from Stoneport, MI to Detroit, MI with a load of stone.
 As I type this, I believe she heading back to Stoneport, presumably to pick up another load of stone.
 If I remember correctly, they use stone as a purifying agent in the steel making process.  I think it pulls out many of the impurities in the smelting process.
 Anyway, I think she's a nice looking ship and the lighting brings her out.
 After she passes under the Blue Water Bridge.
 Another shot of that.
 And one more, almost getting her full length.
 The beam shot.
 A look at the pilothouse.  I never noticed the flag on the steering pole.  I presume that's so the pilot can tell wind direction.  I never realized how much effect wind can have on these ships.
 Her flag flying in the breeze.
One more shot as she continues on her way.

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