Friday, June 1, 2018

The Rain in Michigain Falls Mainly on the Planes

I'll show my self out now, I think.  Trying too hard. 
 Well, I wanted to catch the Air France 787 tonight.  Sadly, the traffic was not cooperating with me.  I think I got stuck in two stoppages.  I made it to the top of the parking deck in time to see her touch down but I couldn't get my camera ready in time for that.
 I probably didn't have the right spot on the deck, either.  I usually don't get poles in the way.  Otherwise, not a bad picture.
 Of course, I had to get a 757 as she was about to take off.  She was getting ready to head to Fort Myers.
 It's always nice to get another 757 in the picture.

 I tried to clean up the image a little bit to get rid of some of the light poles.  How did I do?
and one more shot of the 787 for good measure.  I was going to get the Fed Ex MD-11 but then the rain started to hit hard.  It ended up not landing and took a tour around the airport before trying to land again.   It's just as well, I still got somewhat soaked.

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