Sunday, July 22, 2018

The J.W. Westcott II in Action

One of the things I like about shooting at Riverside Park is the opportunity to catch shots of the Westcott in action.
 I still had my big lens on the camera, but I kind of like how this shot turned out.  It was after the Westcott had pulled out of her dock
 She makes her way out to the Baie Comeau.  The Blough and the AlgoNova did not need her services.
 Just a shot of the two vessels.
 I don't think you can get a more Detroit shot than this one.
The Westcott approaches the Baie Comeau.
 After the deliver is made, she pulls away from the vessel.  She sounds a horn and it is acknowledged by the ship's horn.
 A spray of water and she is on her way.
One more shot of her.

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