Friday, July 27, 2018

The Queen Holds Court

I got out of work early yesterday because we lost power shortly after lunch.  I was kind of hoping that it would still be closed today and sure enough it was.  I was actually kind of surprised because power doesn't stay out too long around here.  Anyway, I decided to go chase the Queen today since I don't often get a chance to do that.
 I was gonna go to my normal spot but as I was approaching Middle Belt, I noticed it was backed up, so I decided to head over to my other spot.  It's a good thing because that is where the Queen decided to go.  But first up is a 717 from Kansas City.  I like this picture because the cockpit windows remind me of eyebrows.
 She still shows off her Mad Dog ness.
 And the clouds were pretty nice.
 It wasn't long before the Queen appeared.  Even though Delta and United ended their 747 service last year, foreign carriers still use her.  Although I'm not sure how much longer.
 This particular one belongs to Lufthansa and as arriving from Frankfurt.
 You can never have too many pictures of her.
 A CRJ-900 arriving from Houston.
 A 737 arriving from Los Angeles.
 I think they recently added this flight from Silao, Mexico.  It is an Embrear 190.
 I couldn't pass up pictures of a 757.
 This particular one was arriving from Seattle.
I decided to head over to the cell phone lot to catch pictures of a couple of other heavies.  First up is this one from Amsterdam.  I recognize this tail number because I caught it on back to back flights.
And I ended with the 767 arriving from Munich.

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