Tuesday, July 10, 2018

What Remains of the Boblo Boats

As I was perusing Facebook on Friday, I saw a whole bunch of posts that the Boblo Boat Ste. Claire had caught fire.  The Detroit Fire Boat Curtis Randolph was dispatched to put it out.  However, it sounds like it didn't arrive on time.
 I remembered that there was a spot on Belle Isle where I could get a picture.  I kind of wish I had gotten a picture sooner but like many things in life, I thought I had plenty of time.  It looks like the fire burned all of the wooden superstructure.  I'm not sure what other damage it did but I have to imagine it wasn't good.
According to reports, it was caused by a welding spark.  It also didn't help that it wasn't close to the dock.  By the time the fire department arriving, they just had to make sure the fire didn't spread.  The group that was restoring her said they are going to attempt to do so.  I know that ship parts can be pretty resilient but I can't imagine a ship surviving a fire like this.

I guess I wish them the best of luck.

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