Monday, August 20, 2018

A Michigan State Police Post

As I was heading home on US-12, something caught my eye.
 This style of police post used to dot the state.  I think they are in the process of replacing these, so it was kind of nice to see one in use.  The Michigan State Police was founded during World War I as a temporary domestic security force.  In 1917, Governor Albert Sleeper formed the Michigan State Troops Permanent Force.   In 1918, they started to enforce Michigan's status as a dry state.  In 1919, they became a permanent force.
 The current style police post was created in the 1930's.  For the most part, they are pretty standard.  Like I said, this style has been getting phased out in favor of a modern looking police station.
 The Michigan State Police uses the Dodge Charger (among other cars).  The sign on the front of the car dates back to the days when the police would pull beside a car to tell them to pull over.  In the day, it would pop up and at night it would be illuminated.  The police no longer practice this but the sign remains.
Some of the details on the station.

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