Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Watching the Herbert C. Jackson

The Herbert C. Jackson is another ship that I saw while I was up north.  Unfortunately, she was never in a spot where I could take a decent picture of her.
 I think she was at Marquette where she would have loaded taconite.
 She was on her way to Cleveland to deliver that load.
 As I type this, this is back at Marquette picking up another load for somewhere.
 She is a pretty nice looking ship and I don't get to see her often enough, even though she passes by fairly often.
 She makes her turn for the channel.  One of the things I like about Port Huron is the fact that I can get head shots.
 She starts to pass by.
 After she passed under the Blue Water Bridge.
 Almost a beam shot.
 I like the clouds in this shot.
 The beam shot.
And she passes by.  It is about five hours to Detroit from this point and another 10 hours to Cleveland.

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