Thursday, September 27, 2018

A Brief Stop at the Neil Armstrong Museum

We stopped in Wapakoneta for dinner.  That is the hometown of Neil Armstrong and as you enter town, you pass his museum.  I've passed it several times and have wanted to stop for a while.  Unfortunately, it was closed but I could see a couple things outside.
 This is a mockup of the Apollo capsule.  It's hard to believe three people were in this for the length of the moon mission.
 This is a Douglas F5D-1 Skylancer.  It was originally designed as an interceptor for the Navy but only four were produced.  Two of these planes found their way to NASA and were used for aircraft development.
 This plane was flown by Neil Amstrong to test the abort procedures of another airplane.  The plane was called the Dyna-soar and aspects of it would find it's way to the Space Shuttle.
 After the program was cancelled, this plane was used to test other things.
In 1970, the plane was retired and donated to the museum.

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