Wednesday, September 5, 2018

A Cope's Gray Tree Frog

As I was at my desk this morning, I looked outside my window and saw an odd shape.  So I looked a little closer and determined that it was a frog of some sort.
 So I went outside to get some better pictures of it.  I didn't realize it would be so high.
 I coaxed it to the ground, to get some better pictures, sadly, he kind of blended in with the grass and I was at a loss to determine what it was.
Turns out that it is probably a Cope's gray tree frog.  Don't let the name fool you because they typically have a lime colored back.  They have been found in the Washtenaw County area, so it is pretty likely.  I didn't hear it's call but apparently it is short and raspy.  At any rate, it was a pretty cool looking frog.

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