Monday, September 3, 2018

The Cleveland Air Show

I ended going down to the Cleveland Air Show yesterday but I got kind of a late start, so I didn't get to see everything I wanted but I got to see the important part.
 This plane was doing an air to air demonstration with another plane.  I wasn't able to get pictures of both of them though.
 Another angle of that plane.
 The Cleveland Terminal Tower.
 One of the seagulls at the park I was at.  It seems like he was agreeing that it was pretty hot yesterday.
 One of the Golden Knights.
 The DeHavilland Dash 8 that they are now flying.
 This helicopter was taking pictures of the crowd to get a count of the crowd side.
 Another angle of that helicopter.
 I kind of liked this picture of it.
 I kind of liked the seagull with it.
 Another seagull, I kind of liked the way his tongue was hanging out.
 And it was the Blue Angels I was going for.  I know that I saw the Thuderbirds last weekend but I think I like the Blue Angles more.

 This guy did a pretty cool takeoff.
 I liked the way the moisture was coming off the wing.
 the famous diamond formation.
 Another angle of that.
 The Number 6 plane flying upside down setting up for a pass.
 another view of the diamond.
 The dirty diamond.
 I kind of like this formation.
 Breaking up to form the diamond again.
 An echelon formation.
 One of the opposing solo planes turning and burning.
 And then he pulled up.
 The five in a formation.
 The diamond again.
 After the broke up.
 A pair of Blue Angels.
 The delta formation.
 One more pass of the Delta.
 One of the planes coming in for a landing.
 Another one.
And the end of the show.

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