Friday, September 21, 2018

The Honorable James L. Oberstar Passes Riverside Park

As I said, I started my day at Riverside Park.  I like the views from here but I don't like to spend too much time there.
 The day started off pretty foggy but I think that made for cooler pictures.
 Especially since it wasn't a particularly heavy fog.
And it made the steam from the Oberstar's scrubbers look pretty cool.  She almost looked like a steamship of old.
 She started to get a little closer and because a little clearer.
 She was heading to Dearborn with a load of taconite for the steel mill there.
 The J.W. Westcott II comes out to greet her.
She passes under the Ambassador Bridge.
 Another shot of the ship and the Bridge.
 Trying to get a little more of the bridge in the shot.
She continues down the river.  If there weren't more ships coming down the river, I would have tried to catch her in the Rouge River.  I think those make for pretty cool pictures.  But as it was, I had other ships to catch.

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