Saturday, September 22, 2018

Visiting My Cousin

It was my cousin's daughter's birthday party last weekend, so we went to visit him.  Well, it more just meeting my cousin and his wife and we were outside.
 As we were outside, I saw this cardinal hanging around.  After some waffling about getting my camera, it seemed like he was sticking around, so I grabbed it.
 I'm glad I did because I was rewarded with some decent pictures.
 It seemed like he was posing for me but I'm sure he wasn't.
 I was pretty happy because I have a hard time getting cardinal pictures.
 I think this was my favorite picture.
 The moon looked pretty cool too.
 I think this is a black-throated sparrow.
 It is a pretty cool looking bird.
 They have a bird bath and so the sparrow went down to it.
 Another picture of that bird.
 I'm not sure what bird this one is.
Nor this one.

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